For the past two years now we have made it a point to brew our “Drag Me To Helles Maibock” to celebrate the onset of Spring. A Maibock or “May” Bock, is also known as a Helles Bock, where “helles“ means “pale“ in German. This hearty yet refreshing brew is lighter in color and has more hop character than a traditional Bock. We brew this beer three months before it’s served so it cold-conditions or lagers at freezing temperature to give it the most refreshing and defined flavors. This beer is so celebrated here at Wolverine State Brewing that we decided to brew it a brother and we named it “Hickory Dickory Bock“. We promise the name does this brew all its justice as we aged it on cured American hickory which imparts subtle flavors of mesquite, marshmallow, and light smoke. A Bock beer is Maibock’s older and more burly sibling. It is characterized by its rich malt aromas, complex malt flavors, and smooth and crisp mouthfeel from more cold lagering. Mix that with the hints of hickory and we have created one of our most unique and yet traditional brews to date. Welcome to Bock Month! Prost!