“I’ma very aesthetic person,” McKenna says. “So I think a lot of my fashion influences come from that.”
How would you describe your personal style?
I would say it’s really eclectic. I like to be comfortable and I like a vintage kind of European look — I studied in Europe, and a lot of what I saw is where I picked up style ideas. Kind of punk rocker at times, a little dark side.
What did you think of European style versus American?
I think it’s so much fun. They’re not worried about the public perception of what they’re wearing.
How much do you take into account public perception?
I don’t take it into account at all. If people are looking at me I think it’s a good thing. I realized if you wear something with confidence, people respond to that.
Your tights really stand out.
They’re Jessica Simpson tights I bought at a Nordtsrom Rack for 5 bucks. I was like these are awesome, I need them. I think they add so much character.
*Our style spotters, Natasha Barros and Emily McAlister, roam the streets of A2 to find the chicest (or craziest) looks. Vote on the candidates at Facebook.com/CurrentMagazine — those selected are awarded a $100 Bellanina Day Spa gift card.