Cinephiles can easily become afflicted with a serious need for pop-film candy. For all the appreciation given to highbrow cinema there are still sweet-tooth cravings for the kiss kiss bang bang of well done camp. And no other director embraces the B-movie aesthetic and transforms it to A+ solid gold than true movie buff turned auteur Quentin Tarantino. Feed your need for pop-culture sweetness with a heavy portion of Tarantino films this September at the State Theater. First, revel in his talkie shoot-em-up Reservoir Dogs on the 10th, veg out on the iconic cultural decadence of Pulp Fiction on the 17th, and stuff yourself with a double feature of his kung-fu masterpiece Kill Bill Volumes 1 & 2 on the 24th. All of his films are modern classics, so indulge in the juicy dialogue and enjoy his mastery of the nonlinear storyline. 11:59pm. 734-761-8667. 233 S. State.