Old Marijuana Conviction? Get it Expunged Through the Washtenaw County Prosecutor’s Office!

The Washtenaw County Prosecutor’s Office has started a new unit to help remove old marijuana convictions. Here’s how to get your record cleaned!

Those who are facing difficulties because of previous marijuana convictions can now have these charges expunged from their record. This includes marijuana possession, use, and paraphernalia charges that have taken place in Washtenaw County. 

Since the laws on marijuana have changed in recent years, people with old records now have the chance to have these charges expunged. This means that your criminal record can now be hidden from public view. This means that criminal offenses that have been expunged no longer need to be listed when applying for jobs, housing, financial aid, or a professional license.

The Washtenaw County Prosecutor’s Office is encouraging eligible people to apply to have their old criminal records expunged. A completely new unit has been set up in their office that works with community partners and focuses on expungements.

This has been a long time coming. With most cannabis activities in Michigan being legal, it was only a matter of time before Prosecutor Eli Savit would expunge the record of those who were convicted on marijuana charges. This will help better our community by allowing those with a marijuana conviction to be full members of society.

Starting April 11, 2021, community members are able to apply for expungement assistance. Those who have questions about the process or expungement can contact the new office by mail or contact a Washtenaw County Expungement Committee partner.

Those who need their records expunged can apply for expungement assistance here. For more information on this or to see if you qualify, check out the document created by the Conviction Integrity and Expungement Unit here.

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