FYI Smoke and mirrors

Autumn brings a new season of Crazy Wisdom’s informational Salon Series which explores community issues ranging from health and wellness to politics. On Thursday, November 8, Crazy Wisdom presents an issue close to Ann Arbor’s culture when award-winning journalist and UM alumnus Martin Lee discusses topics related to his new book Smoke Signals: A Social History of Marijuana – Medical, Recreational, and Scientific. Lee is the associate editor of  a journal of clinical cannabis, O’Shaughnessy’s, and director of Project CBD, which reports the latest information on cannabis science and therapeutics. He is also co-founder of the New York-based media research group FAIR (Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting). His previous books include the acclaimed Acid Dreams — The Complete Social History of LSD: The CIA, the Sixties, and Beyond. With the recent crack downs on local dispensaries, the ongoing ambiguity of Michigan’s medical marijuana law vs federal laws and the university’s close cultural ties to pot, i.e. Hash Bash and John Sinclair, this should serve to be both relevant and educational.

7pm. Free. Crazy Wisdom Bookstore and Tea Room, 114 South Main St. 734-665-2757. — JG

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