Type Rider

As her cross-country bicycle quest continues, writer Maya Stein will roll into A2 on June 3, armed with a typewriter, to let you add to the story literally.

People respond to turning 40 in many different ways. Maya Stein's response was to put a typewriter on her bike and cycle from Amherst, Massachusetts to Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Her goal throughout this ride is to stop in communities, put the typewriter down, and allow people to contribute to a collaborative piece of writing. Stein wants "to bring people together through the written word," an idea that stresses the importance of creative expression and community involvement. And why Milwaukee? Stein wants to end her trip at the birthplace of the typewriter.

She credits her decision to begin this journey to the typewriter her dad placed in the hallway between the bedrooms in her house. During her childhood, Stein had the opportunity to share with her own family open, ongoing, creative expression, an idea she wanted to pass along.

$1,427 above her pledge goal, it appears Stein's creative expression movement sparked interest in many people. And anyone who is interested in joining Stein for part of her bike ride just has to email her. She welcomes the company, and hopes that people will become involved in this project. Donations can still be made at Stein's website to help her bring her typewriter to all 40 destinations.

For more information, visit Stein's website at www.type-rider.com

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