Springtime is here and it's time to head outside and get your garden ready. But not everybody has a green thumb. That's why Washtenaw County has teamed up with the Michigan State University Extension to offer the DIAL-A-GARDEN service. Helpful gardening tips are just a call away. The public can call in and listen to a Garden Message by Bob Bricault, Extension Educator for Horticultural and Natural Resources. Everything from crab grass control to soil testing is covered. The topics vary from month to month. To contact DIAL-A-GARDEN call 734-971-1129 and select a topic. www.ewashtenaw.org
Code Garden Message
101 May Schedule.
102 Hardening off transplants.
103 Read MSU Horticulture Newsletter Online.
104 Buying transplants.
105 Cutworms and slugs.
201 Garlic Mustard
202 Eastern Tent Caterpillars.
203 Plant hardiness zones and when to plant.
204 Controlling Pine Sawfly.
205 Maple Petiole Borer
301 Dividing clumps of perennials.
302 After bloom care of hardy bulbs.
303 Planting balled, burlap and bare root trees.
304 Controlling Mosquitoes and West Nile Virus.
305 Frost protection of seedlings and tender plants.
401 Black walnut toxicity.
402 Ash Tree Alert.
403 Insect & Disease Diagnostic Services.
404 Tips on selecting an arborist.
405 Don’t prune Oaks due to Oak Wilt.