The Ann Arbor Film Festival Extends their Call for Entries

The Ann Arbor Film Festival (AAFF) has extended their call for entries until October 15. Additionally, the AAFF plans to pay their filmmakers whose films are showcased in the festival.

The Ann Arbor Film Festival (AAFF) have moved their Call for Entries deadline to October 15, giving aspiring filmmakers a chance to submit their films for reviews. Additionally, the AAFF will begin paying artists to show their films in competition starting with the upcoming film festival.

The AAF is set to take place on March 23-28, 2021. The festival is looking for film and video submissions that pays homage to the film medium. All genres of film are welcome to apply, as long as the film or video shows a high regard for the medium. Originally, submissions needed to be made by September 30. Now, the extended deadline is October 15.

Applicants are welcome to submit a variety of lengths for films, from short films (59 minutes or shorter) or longer features (60 minutes or longer). Applicants will be able to submit films that are not in English as well, so long as English subtitles are included. Work that is incomplete can be submitted but remember that incomplete submissions will be juried in the same pool as all other submissions.

Although a payscale has not been presented, the AAFF plans to pay all filmmakers who show their films in the competition starting with this film festival. This is thanks to Canadian filmmaker, Scott Fitxpatrick, who has worked tirelessly for the fair treatment of artists. Additional help was provided by Alchemy, European Media Arts Festival, Experiments in Cinema, Iowa City Documentary Festival, Kassler DokFest, Milwaukee Underground, and San Diego Underground paid screening fees this year. This brings the AAFF one step closer to ensuring that artists are fairly compensated for their work.

Remember, you now have until October 15 to submit your entry!

For more information regarding the call for entries, guidelines, and to submit your work, visit the Ann Arbor Film Festival website here.

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