Dan Savage, whose column Savage Love originated in Seattle's alt-weekly, The Stranger, and since has been syndicated nationally, is everything you want in a sex columnist: he's clever, clear-eyed, funny, not afraid to take on the far social right that tries to make us all feel guilty about the setting of our moral compass — or, for that matter, to get in a scrap or two with the fringe left —and, oh yeah, he gives really good advice. But, where Savage may be at his best is as a speaker, which you can witness at the Michigan Theater on December 2. His razor sharp wit and genuine approachability is intensified on the stage as he respectfully and humorously fields questions about anything from the importance of using protection to saline-enlarged scrotums. $32-$37. 3pm. 603 E. Liberty St. 734-668-8397. www.michtheater.org. —SR