Ypsilanti Poop Offender Busted by The Power of Music?

"Do Your Civic Doody” and "Help Us Catch the Poopetrator'” billboards appearing on Interstate 94 in early April gave the mysterious case of the serial pooper—an unidentified individual infamously known for defecating on Ypsilanti park slides—a larger audience. And soon the story made national news. Yesterday, area news sources confirmed that the Ypsilanti police have identified a suspect. While the suspect hasn’t been charged, there haven’t been any incidents since the apprehension. Residents of Ypsilanti can now hit the slides free from the fear of a fecal mishap. One Ypsilanti resident, Black Jake of the punk-grass band Black Jake and the Carnies, who recently released a video for their new single "Poopslider," claims his part in the resolution.

“As far as us being responsible for catching the Mystery Pooper, silly as it sounds, all I can do is stick to the facts. Fact 1: This poopslidery has gone on FOR YEARS, rather than the six months that's going around in the media. For years, nothing has been done, even though the park is a playground for an elementary school. Fact 2: After two of our kids got human feces on them at the park, I complained on the Historic East Side Neighborhood Association Facebook page about it, and bam, the next day it's national news! Then there's a lot of hoo-ha for a month, but nothing is solved. Fact 3: On May 10th we put out the single, on May 11th we put out the video. Fact 4: On May 14th—PROBLEM SOLVED.

I'm not saying correlation proves causation, but I will say our arms are going numb from patting ourselves on the back about it.  If anyone feels the desire to reward our selfless unsung heroism, please dig deep, brothers and sisters, and buy the Poopslider single on our Bandcamp page for a dollar.  You can actually pay us more just on account of our good looks if you want, so give till it hurts, friends!  Never forget the power of music!”

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