Ann Arbor, Bee City, Creates a Pollinator Sub-Committee

Ann Arbor, affectionately known as Tree Town, is also a Bee City, one of 69 across the U.S. that have committed to welcoming the pollinators. Ann Arbor’s Environmental Commission recently created a Pollinator Sub-Committee comprised of nonprofit, government, University of Michigan, and citizen representatives who are working together to plant pollinator-friendly species around the city and to eliminate the use of neonicotinoids, chemicals sprayed on lawns and ornamental plants that are toxic to pollinators. As 90% of all plants reproduce through pollination, and one in three bites of the food we eat is created thanks to pollination, helping bees and butterflies is great “pollincy”!

For more information, contact Ann Arbor Natural Areas Preservation
734-794-6627 |

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