Families Against Narcotics Opens Washtenaw Chapter

As the opioid epidemic continues to spread, more families with members who are struggling with addiction are in need of support. Families Against Narcotics, a community-based organization of people who have lost loved ones to opioid addiction, is working to raise awareness, help addicts and their families to find treatment and prevent the further spread of the disease. Mario Nanos, president of the Washtenaw County chapter, lost his son Yanni to a heroin overdose in March, 2018. According to the Washtenaw County Health Department, 68 Washtenaw County residents died of opioid-related overdoses from January to November of this year. Though high, that number is similar to 2017, which may be a sign that new measures such as lower opioid prescription rates and increased national dialogue are having some positive effect. Families Against Narcotics meets at 7pm at 242 Church on the second Monday of every month.

242 Church, 648 S. Wagner

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