The explanation of a perceptual illusion is “the perception of something objectively existing in such a way as to cause misinterpretation of its actual nature.” A literal illusion, on the other hand, is an image created by smaller images in no way related to the larger, overall image. Those definitions, however, cannot convey what the eye thinks it sees. For deeper understanding of the eye’s mischief, come to the elegant Saline District Library for physics professor Jesse Mason’s exhibition: “Your Lying Eyes: Perceptual Illusions and Other Psychological Trickery,” where the professor will explain the meaning of illusion while you view his wonderfully strange collection of images.
Free | 7-8:30pm | Weds. May 2
Saline District Library, Brecon Room
555 N. Maple Rd, Saline | 734-429-5450 |