Ypsilanti Holds ‘Master Plan’ Visioning Workshop

Ypsilanti Township invited community members to participate in a four-day master plan workshop called Ypsilanti Township 2040, held Oct. 16-19. The workshop, organized by township officials and facilitated by consultants from Carlisle/Wortman Associates, consisted of a mix of panel discussions, tours, and workshops. From these events and conversations, a vision for what Ypsilanti could look like in the next twenty years is emerging. Ideas for a walkable, vibrant downtown filled with retail, services, residential, and recreational opportunities were shared along with plans for abundant resources and events promoting community unity. A new conference center, improved public transit, and revamping the Gault Village shopping center also were explored as elements for supporting this vision of future prosperity.

For more information, visit the Master Plan website: ypsilantitownship2040.com.

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