In 2011, Mark Dion created “Waiting for the Extraordinary,” an installation focused on the original blueprint for U-M, and it’s thirteen distinct classifications of knowledge, incorporating 3D replicas of artifacts from U-M museums and collections. It served as a formal critique on how institutions influence and choreograph our understanding of history. As part of U-M’s Bicentennial celebration and The Institute of Humanities themes of Archives and Futures, Dion will re-stage the installation in The Institute’s Gallery. Following a lecture where Dion will speak about his process in creating both the original and the replica in UMMA’s Helmut Stern Auditorium on Wednesday, October 23rd, a reception will be held in the gallery at The Institute of Humanities.
Mark Dion Waiting for the Extraordinary
UMMA’s Helmut Stern Auditorium, 525 S. State St., Ann Arbor (reception and installation in Institute of Humanities Gallery, 202 S. Thayer St.)
October 23, 5:30 – 7pm
Free |