Have a treacherous tale to tell about a teacher? A report about redemption during recess? A yarn about youthful yearnings while studying European History? Just seeking to spend your time spoon-feeding your ears such spectacular spiels? September’s version of the Moth StorySLAM, presented by Michigan Radio, features stories about all thing school. Sign up to share your tale or just come to listen on Tuesday, September 5th, at The Greyline events space on N. Ashley. Doors open @ 6:30 and that’s when to sign up if you want to story-tell. Stories hit the stage @ 7:30.
Moth StorySLAM: Schooled, Tuesday, 9/5, 7:30pm (doors and sign-ups @ 6:30), Greyline Events Space, 100 N. Ashley St., Ann Arbor.
Tickets and info @ themoth.org.