Ann Arbor Art Center Opens In Transit Exhibition

Ann Arbor Art Center, The Ride and Washtenaw Community College are teaming up to present In Transit a multi-modal art exhibition sponsored by Toyota Motor North America Research and Development. The exhibition opens with a free public kick-off event at the Ann Arbor Art Center on Friday, September 15th, and will highlight mobility and transportation infrastructure. It is curated by WCC faculty (Terry Abrams, Jennifer Baker, Morgan Barrie, and Don Wertherman) and will exist in three iterations: as a stationary exhibit at the art center; as a moving exhibition featured inside TheRide buses; and as pop-up exhibitions in the City Hall’s City Gallery and @ The Session Room on Jackson Rd., where there will be a Happy Hour with Artists @ 4pm on Tuesday, Sept. 19th.

As part of the comprehensive program, TMNA R&D’s mobility impact grant supporting this project will facilitate community member access to their workplaces, schools, and social gathering places. Additionally, over 1000 Toyota Mobility Passes will be donated to WCC students and five area nonprofits serving individuals with mobility constraints.

“This wonderfully collaborative project is designed to highlight both our area’s transit system and opportunities for mobility solutions that allow locals to enjoy all that our community has to offer,” says Ann Arbor Art Center gallery director Megan Winkel. “It’s yet another way that the arts can be a resource for general community progress, and for fun.”

In Transit Public Opening, Ann Arbor Art Center, 117 West Liberty Street, Ann Arbor
Friday, Sept. 15, 6-9pm
For more info, visit

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