Take Movie 101 Classes Online with the Michigan Theater

Looking for something to do while stuck at home? Check out Michigan Theater’s Movie 101 classes! The Michigan Theater is offering online classes that cover different aspects of movie creation, from narrative structure and editing to sound and Mise-en-scene, students will learn the ins and outs about movies making from a local instructor.

Movies have their own language, and the Michigan Theater is here to help teach it. Professor Henry Aldridge is the teacher of the Movies 101 online classes and is ready to teach anyone listening to the ins and outs of movie-making magic. He is an Emeritus Professor of Film Studies at Eastern Michigan University and author of the Michigan Theater book. Each class will delve deeply into the four basic linguistic tools of film, learning how these tools work by using examples from movies such as (500) Days of Summer, Singing in the Rain, Saving Private Ryan, The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, and more. 

As of right now, interested students can pick up classes about Narrative Structure and Sound, both classes taking place May 31. Students will be able to pick up classes about Editing on May 17 and Mise-en-Scene on May 24. Each class is a one-hour viral session on Zoom, allowing for Professor Henry Aldridge to answer questions and speak a little more on each point. 

For members of the Michigan Theater, each class is $15. For non-members, classes are $20. Click here for more information and to sign up for the classes that are the most interesting.

Movies 201 will be offered in January 2021, so keep your eyes open for that!

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