“Mystic Nights” Show Inspires Wonder And Awe

By Grace Jensen

Entering Zal Gaz Grotto, an unassuming building off of Stadium Blvd, an odd assortment of classy couples on date night, families seeking entertainment, and aspiring magicians gather together for the attraction of the night: the mystic Misha Tuesday. A meet-and-greet precedes the main event, in which the charismatic Tuesday introduces himself at each table, reads palms and mingles with the audience, getting to know the subjects for his demonstrations of clairvoyance.

A night to remember

“Friends, foes, and those who haven’t decided yet,” Tuesday begins the show. He proceeds to explain that he does not claim to have psychic powers or use magic in his performances; his abilities come from an intense training of the mind. He reassures the crowd that all volunteers will be entirely in control, even during hypnosis. Finally, he validates skepticism of his work, but encourages disbelievers to open their minds to possibility and enjoy the show.

Tuesday holds the enraptured attention of the audience for the full length of the performance. Tricks include cards, dice and mind reading, and involve lots of volunteer participation. The crowd murmurs in wonder at the seemingly impossible, giggles as friends and family members are called to the stage, and applauds enthusiastically as yet another of Tuesday’s predictions proves correct. At the end of the night, the odd assortment that entered before the show leaves as a more cohesive group, laughing and offering well-wishes as they part.

See the spectacle for yourself

“Mystic Nights” with Misha Tuesday holds something for everyone. Whether you interpret his acts as true magic or simply clever gimmicks, Tuesday’s performance is sure to captivate, entertain, and engage the mind.

“Mystic Nights with Misha Tuesday” is held monthly at
Zal Gaz Grotto, 2070 W Stadium Blvd, Ann Arbor, MI.
For tickets and more information, please visit

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