Love local fruits and vegetables? Wonder where you can get them once the winter months have hit, and your favorite fruits and vegetables are no longer in season? Locavorious (, founded by Rena Basch in 2008, is a winter-time, locally grown frozen fruit and vegetable CSA. Basch, formerly in the automotive industry, has always been a local food enthusiast. Her passion for local foods grew when she purchased a CSA share four miles from her home. “Locally grown fruits and vegetables taste so much better than what you can get in most grocery stores, and I was always sad when winter rolled around and the farm share ended. Our family would always freeze bags of ‘u-picked’ blueberries to keep us in blueberry pancakes throughout the winter,” says Basch. Locavorious partners with small farms in Ann Arbor and its surrounding communities to offer its subscription service. The preservation process includes picking produce, followed by washing, chopping, blanching the produce in steam, then chilling in ice water. After it’s drained the produce goes directly into the freezer in packages labelled with the name of the growing farm, the farm’s location and the date of harvest. For more info visit