Ypsilanti Bee Buzz

Ypsilanti is celebrating bees and other pollinators with a host of themed events as part of the Ypsilanti-Bee City USA resolution.

Bee City USA is an non-profit organization that raises awareness about the role of pollinators and what people can do to help them and their habitat. They award the certification title “Bee City” for cities that resolve to commit to their local pollinators through three aspects: celebration of the pollinators, increasing their urban habitat and educating their citizens.

Ypsilanti was designated a Bee City last year and one of their programs to support those efforts is the National Pollinator Week Event Series. These events hold up the “celebrating” part of the resolution.

All of these events are partnered with and take place at the  Ypsilanti District Library Michigan Avenue branch and are completely free and open to the public.

June 22 Native Bee House Build
6:30-8:30 pm

Many bees that are native to Michigan do not live in the hive that honeybees do. They often set up residence in old wood. This workshop provides the knowledge to make a habitat out of common materials for these more solitary bees.

June 23 Butterfly Stewardship Workshop
6:30-8:30 pm

This event is back by popular demand. Take a peek at the caterpillars and learn what to plant for butterflies and how to raise them at home.

June 25 Pollinator Garden Sign Painting Party

Gather in the Library plaza outside and create a hand-painted sign that identifies your yard as pollinator-friendly. This event caps the week and ends with a relaxed celebration. We’ve been advised to bring creativity for the painting and a sweet tooth for the best honey-based desserts in the baking contest.

Catch a full feature about bees and pollinators in Washtenaw county in Current’s August issue in print.

Ypsilanti District LIbrary, 229 Michigan Ave.
734-482-4110 | ypsilibrary.org/events

Program co-sponsors: Washtenaw Food Policy Council, Ypsi Melissa, Ypsilanti District Library, Ypsilanti Food Co-op, Bee City USA

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