Rappel Down Building in Downtown A2 on July 30!

Registration is now open to those interested in taking part in the ‘Over The Edge” rappelling Fundraiser. 

All earnings will provide emergency services for families experiencing poverty in Washtenaw County.

“Over The Edge” rappelling gives individuals the opportunity to rappel down 14 stories of the Graduate Ann Arbor Hotel July 30thFriends In Deed is the nonprofit organization that will be supporting struggling families in need with the proceeds. 

“I’ve been involved with Friends In Deed for a few years now. It’s a fantastic organization and it helps more people than you could possibly imagine,” says author and sports journalist John U Bacon. “Join us for rappelling on July 30th!” 

Every participant will not only be given the opportunity to create a memory lasting a lifetime, but are given the opportunity to truly impact a fellow community member’s life.

Each rappeler is expected to raise $1000. Participants can also form groups of 6 and raise $5000.

With the hefty goal of 150,000 dollars, this fundraiser will be providing free furniture such as cribs and beds, transportation and car repair. The funds are also used to contribute to the elimination of utility shut- offs. 

With participants’ safety being just as important as helping the community, a press conference event will be taking place on July 29. Here, training will take place.

“It has been a tough couple of years for families living on the edge, and Friends In Deed has been here to help when other agencies can’t,” says Friends In Deed Executive Director, Sarah Thornburg. “We are so excited to welcome our supporters back to The Graduate to raise funds to help their neighbors in need.”

There are also corporate sponsorships available for businesses interested in funding this cause.

To learn more about this repelling event visit www.friendsindeedmi.org/overtheedge.  Registration can be found here.

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