Sometimes we need a little pick me up, and what’s better for that than booze? And the best time to get a drink is during Happy Hour. Your wallet will agree.
Ready to start a horror movie marathon? Look no further than this list! We have ten of the best horror films out right now. Get ready for a night of terror!
If you need the perfect brunch paired with breakfast booze of any sort, we've got you covered! Here are some perfect brunch spots with great booze options!
Hey, a night owl's gotta eat, too. Whether you're up after partying or cramming for a final, here are some of the best late night spots to satisfy those cravings
Sometimes, all you need is a quite ride down a lazy river. Or maybe you need a wild water adventure! Check out some of the best local kayak spots in Washtenaw!
College Life in Ann Arbor
Take Charge of Your Happiness and Financial Wellbeing
By Jenny Hong
You may find yourself stressing about academics, finding your niche, figuring...
Because spectator-friendly varsity athletics represent an eminently supportable facet of the University of Michigan, what better way to foster social bonding and feelings of community than drinking alcoholic beverages? Few pastimes can liven up audience participation at sporting events quite like pregame beverages. Luckily, we provide an abbreviated guide of what to drink before each varsity sporting match.
So, maybe you went a little crazy at Briarwood and now you’re trying to figure out what to do with all those sweaters piling up in your closet. Or, maybe you don’t need another pair of jeans, but buy another pair of jeans anyway. It’s okay, we’re all guilty. Ready to clean out your closet?
The beauty of memories is that whatever ones you make remain uniquely your own. That said, our collective journeys lead us to believe the following experiences are the kinds you’re bound to hold onto and treasure. Check them out, twist, tweak, delete or add to them in any way you want, weave your own dynamic story.
In recent years, the “freshman 15” has become an antiquated term— 1 out of 10 students are facing hunger. And as the number of low-income students enrolling in college continues to surge— growing from 30 to 67 percent from 1979 to 2015, according to the National Center for Education Statistics— universities are responding to a new campus crisis: food insecurity.