The oceans are the cradle of life, and a seemingly bottomless source of biological diversity. But this crucial resource has never been more threatened. On Thursday, February 17, The University of Michigan’s Exhibit Museum of Natural History presents “Plenty of Fish In the Sea: Evolution and Conservation of Marine Biodiversity in Pacific Coral Reefs,” a lecture by scientist Josh Drew of Chicago’s Field Museum. Drew will discuss the so-called “coral triangle” of the western Pacific, between New Guinea, Indonesia, and the Philippines, which has been found to be a uniquely fertile breeding ground for new species. What’s so special about the reef environment that creates such diversity? And how can this rich reservoir of life be protected in the face of climate change and overfishing? Drew will lay out the science of why there are, indeed, a lot of fish in the sea, and what role museums can play in protecting them. 7:30-9:30pm. 1109 Geddes Ave. 734-764-0480.