The Blind Pig Holds Comedy Nights

The Blind Pig is one of those all time Ann Arbor institutions synonymous with music. But, they are also know for standup comedy.

“I’m not the first person to start an open mic night at the Blind Pig,” the Blind Pig’s Andrew Yang said. “It’s gone through many iterations … I’m the third or fourth person to start a weekly show there and I think I was just at the right place and the right time.” When he started the comedy nights in October 2021 “it was right after the pandemic. Things were just opening up, and people were looking for things to do, and it just stuck.”

The Blind Pig’s doors will open to comedy patrons at 8 p.m, October 16. The show will consist of a variety of acts from across the region, including Ypsilanti native Bruce Pych.

“There’s a really cool scene here. The comedy club is here and top of that there are people who are starting their own shows, their own mics,” Pych said. “It’s fun. People want to come out and engage in live performances of comedy. I enjoy it. With my style of stand up more on the blue side, it’s fun for me to be in a college town, a liberal town, and to be able to play around with tip toeing that line with what’s ok and what’s not.”

Comedians from all over Michigan will be performing on Monday. One of them will be Samantha Rager.

Photo of Samantha Rager. Photo by Andrew Yang.

“I’ve performed there quite a few times,” Rager said. “I love Ann Arbor’s diversity and I love that the audience come to watch comedy. They’re so open for all of the different styles that perform there.”

The show is free to enter.

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Drew Saunders is a freelance business and environmental journalist who grew up just outside of Ann Arbor. He covers local business developments, embraces his foodie side with reviews restaurants, obsesses over Michigan's environmental state, loves movies, and feels spoiled by the music he gets to review for Ann Arbor!